Media Club - Marco Ragni (Ragni, Marco): '2023 - Into the Heart of the Sun (Special Edition) (MP3, Photo, Lyrics, Covers)
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   Marco Ragni, 2023 -  Into the Heart of the Sun (Special Edition)

Marco Ragni - Into the Heart of the Sun (Special Edition)
Band/Artist: Print View  Marco Ragni
Album:   Into the Heart of the Sun (Special Edition)
Type:    Albums
Genre:   Rock
Style:   Prog-Rock/Art RockPsychedelic RockSpace Rock
Year:   2023
Added:   14.03.2025

n/n track title mode length size bitrate,
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1  Where will we spend our next life? (Special Edition ) Joint stereo 9:20 21.37 Mb 320 - 10.67 ₴
2  In the beginning there was darkness(Special Edition ) Joint stereo 8:15 18.91 Mb 320 - 9.88 ₴
3  No change achieved(Special Edition ) Joint stereo 2:18 5.30 Mb 320 - 7.50 ₴
4  War is fucking stupid(Special Edition ) Joint stereo 5:46 13.22 Mb 320 - 9.09 ₴
5  Dark matter X(Special Edition ) Joint stereo 2:38 6.05 Mb 320 - 7.50 ₴
6  Child of the Universe(Special Edition ) Joint stereo 5:08 11.77 Mb 320 - 8.69 ₴
7  A new world (If you are nothing)[Special Edition] Joint stereo 5:47 13.27 Mb 320 - 9.09 ₴
8  New life?(Special Edition ) Joint stereo 2:58 6.79 Mb 320 - 7.50 ₴
9  Into the Heart of the Sun (Part I-IX)[Special Edition] Joint stereo 29:03 66.51 Mb 320 - 19.36 ₴

  Total Time  71:13 min:sec
  Total Size  163.24 Mb
  Album Price (app.) 89.28 ₴

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