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Abducted by A Killer Martian

Observed from beyond, where our look never puts the target. Camouflaged behind the stars, we are studied for a sobrenatural race, we are fruit of an experiment wich nobody never had discovered before. In the land, the life continued, and meanwhile in a mind of a mad scientific, he had many questions, he knew that the truth would find it in the stars, a night meanwhile the scientific walked across the cold forest, he found some unknow objects, grabbed it , and ran until their laboratory, he began to investigate, and looked at the objects, and it was a black amulet with small symbols of gold and diamonds, and a book wich looks like a bible, but the bible is blocked, that thing need to open up , under the full moon, now is the time for look the book, he opened it, and he looks unknowing images, ancient maps and constelations, and the secrets of creation, the book speaks about the real truth, the scientific wanted to reveal the secrets to the world, but a killer martian observed it from beyond, from the fourth dimention, now is transported up to where it is and kidnaps him, in a big space ship, the killer martian connects to him some hoses and pieced the head and brain, now the scientific, has mental deliriums, and horrendous visions, but it was reality, the killer martian devoures the body slowly, and begins to drink the sweet blood, only for discover the truth. encapsulates the soul in a test tube for all the eternity…

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