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Burning Bush[Hebrew text]-"There the angel of the LORD appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up" [Exodus 3:2]- I've learnt of brimstones I've learnt of ambers But a thing like this Is far beyond what I've learnt to know A sorcery of some origin An ancient force A flame that keeps to grow Unburning flame Undying knowledge Inflamed can't be this fiery perception Embrace the strength Bow and acknowledge To answer the uncalled Hebrew question [Hebrew text] -"When the Lord saw that He had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush" [Exodus 3:4]- Recreating everything in every single word In awe I knee before the ruler of the world I'm but a shepherd, I cannot lead no man I won't defy the voice, but I cannot understand If truly you are God, If you can see inside my soul Who am I to stand against the Pharaoh, and who am I at all? Who am I at all? On this forsaken mountain nothing is mundane This voice is telling me of a land forgot by men My lord has spoken true, His words sculpture my heart The warrant is superb, indeed the high command Even as a stammerer your distant voice be heard Now I'll leave my home and gather all my herd [Hebrew text] -"So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt" [Exodus 3:10]- Unresting fire, the sacred flame of God From this moment on to you my lord I vow A holy cleansing, secular shell being shed As instant as a heartbeat, I'll follow his command I'll follow his command I'll follow his command |