<> page <Symphonia De Infernali> album page |
Ave SatanJesus, Jesus I shall cast you downnail you to the cross, deprive you your crown. I shall make you bleed, in the end you'll plead your childrens infested with my darkest seed Crawl to him, crawl to your father your children are lost, they sin much rather your powers are just but a flickering candle, extinction is near, I shall with pleasure it handle. Ave Satan... Weep for your breedings, lost they are... Shrouded in darkness from the light so far... Mourn for your children, mine they are. Extinction will come like the fall of a star... Ave Satan Your children are serving my altar with blood I spit upon your pity self, as you crawl into the mud look upon your kingdom now, withered like a dream your servants blood is floating in the widest stream. Ave Satan... |