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ParousiaExaudi me!Holy Lucifer! Sanctus Satanas! Libera Nos! ...Cruel are His Eyes Placenta! Vomit your filth into my craving mouth old disgusting harlot infect my wounds with your pungent diarrhea faeces taste sweet when bitter is the taste of life... Abrasive perversion to rejoin the Antichrist! abduction and rape to connect to His Light! You'll find no end to this tunnel with me on your side all is pushed to the limit, crudelis est oculus Diaboli Slam on my face your gaping orifices feed me and the child with your anal juices punish the baby for just being alive! a reward to his life it shall be our climax Just like pigs our bodies are twisting shamelessly in front of the child that we raped like dogs his bones cracked and melted like butter between our flaming bodies a reward to his life it shall be our climax Lucifer, exaudi me! libera nos! Agios o Sathanas! Cut the hand that caressed you transcend through crime and sin to inoculate His elixir drug the bread of your fathers, the host of old for the next generation must be abused and manipulated till there's no escape till there's no return! |