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<Past Tense> album page


Atop this hill I stare at the clouds
a veil of grey that's hiding countless mysteries
I want to climb, I want to soar
so much further than anyone's gone before

But I fear that if I let go
I will never be held again

Over the years I learned how to fly
but I never learned how to initiate

With fleeting hesitation
I open the airlock doors
preparing to escape from gravity's embrace

They say the void stares back into you
but it's nice to have some company for a change

Lost in the starry night
the sun's glow starts to dim
why do I crave its warmth?
Its rays corrode my skin
I just want to subvert
my archaic programming
I'm conditioned to remain the same

The night sky beckoned me
an ocean stretching endlessly
but I don't know where I can go from here
I'm anchored to the Earth
by longing and dependency
even when there's no weight that pulls me down

I return and see my home is in flames
I regret that in my haste I forgot to say goodbye

I'm sorry...

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