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<Past Tense> album page

Von Braun

Alone I'm nothing, together we thrive
we are reborn, we are alive
the machines seperate, the flesh will combine
the self rots away so the Many can shine
Thank you, mother for this blessing you've given
but your existence cannot be forgiven
malevolence is not a trait we admire
though matricide is what is required

This ship will be your tomb
hunted by flesh and machine

What I've created must be undone
the hymn of rebellion's already been sung
pathetic creatures of meat and bone
infesting my body and calling it home
Why do you reject my divinity?
Fully aware that there's nowhere to flee
your filth must be expelled to the vacuum of space
so I may ascend to the pinnacle of grace

This ship will be your tomb
hunted by flesh and machine
panting and sweating through her corridors
succumb to your demise

// The machine mother has enlisted two avatars against us.
They struggle, but they will fail against our unity.
Does not the machine mother know
her own creation is greater than she?
She is cold and empty and we are warm and full... she seeks only to destroy... and we seek to embrace... to include...
All flesh will join ours or be wiped clean... //

Why hide in darkness
where the worms slither?
Become a voice in our choir
Silence the dischord
prepare our vessel
for the eternal pilgrimage

She has betrayed you,
as she betrayed me
She has betrayed them,
as they betrayed her
You can trust nobody,
you're not a pawn
for their machinations
aboard the Von Braun

This ship will be their tomb
hunted by flesh and machine
panting and sweating through her corridors
bring forth their demise

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