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<Yours In Murder> album page

Nothing Left

From the dark recesses of absolute nothingness
Years of vapid desperation
lead me to become this
I am nothing
From the barbarous reigns of unfathomed fucking hell
chained to an inexorable recognition of myself
I am no one
My stomach wall torn and lacerated by an abnormal mauling depression
Another dirty platter, another feast
Nothing more, nothing left
absolute final hopelessness
Loathsome malign nothingness
A child on an endless plane of emptiness assumes the foetal position
soaked in tears and filth in a pit of
An escape to a once paralyzing place
No windows, just four walls, my thoughts with no exits, no way, alone.
Screamed inside to implode, atomize.
Somebody once said better be with the dead than to be in restless ecstasy. Better be with the dead .

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