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The Clandestine Insight Of Immorality

In the veins scalding Kingu's black blood. The Dragon slept the darkest slumber. The Dragon awakens to reveal what once was, timeless, endless restoration. Amiss the cosmic path, disordered source unending. To breed the truth within, unleashing dimness. The opposition discerns those respiring Promethean fires. My southern throne, the bearer of bleak illumination, with pride I burn the sham creation.

In the beginning, the perfect lawlessness of primordial Xaos ruined. The great Mother and Father of the depths were disgusted by the presence of the weaklings. The Father was imprisoned and the Son's blood spilled by the false god to create humankind. By cutting the Mother in half the weakling made the earth and the sky. The tablets of destiny foresaw that the false light will return to nothingness. Those awakened by blood and fire will use the names to resemble essences. It is unfeasible to kill the ancients.

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