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<Manvantara> album page


The primeval waters twisted,
within our own global system
An evil dream state inflicted,
aligning with vortices of mayhem
Chaos rulers from the darkest planes,
the unknown inter-dimensional abyss

Banished but not all vanished,
by ancient and divine races
Ultimate revenge for aeons plotted,
a packaged trap from the olden ones

The ambitious atlantean masters,
tricked into the abyss of darkness
Trapped and forced to relinquish
their powers, released to set the stage
for a new demonic age, of darkness

Opening the gateways for the legion
to manifest, in any choice of earthly
guise, fallen angels to arise,
A twisted dream man caught within,
darkest age set to begin,
a black mantra sung

A sleep was poured upon mankind,
corrupting ethereal energies,
unseen to man the evil kinds,
twisted natural frequencies

Changing freedoms, shadow
kingdom, infiltration

Fall of man, manipulated master plan
Stage by stage, demonic forces to
Ancient lands, civilisation torn in two
Time of change

Reverse symbolism in satanic
verse, adoring the palaces of
Baphomet's curse
The eugenic's protocol to spread
the seed, of the terror-inflicting
reptoid breeds
To claim the world as their own,
historical fallacies cast in stone
Their sages steering the dark ages,
with doctrines to justify the rages

As history repeats, a world at war,
the earth in transition, new
cosmic position
As history repeats and time
drawning near, the cycle completes,
as history repeats
A world of warm the earth in transition,
new cosmic position, as history
repeats, and time drawning near,
the cycle completes

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