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Industrial Temple MysticA

Forgotten structure
Of concrete and steel
Around an industrial chimney
Of concrete and steel

Rusted architecture
Of iron and dust
Around an acid pit
Of iron and dust

I feel His presence

Two Columns - One Gate
Two Towers - One Way
One NeXus - One Gate
To the Other Side

Where they see a ruin
I see a Temple,
Where they see dust and rust
I see dark beams of Satanic gold

I feel His presence

Two Columns - One Gate
Two Towers - One Way
One NeXus - One Gate
To the Other Side

In the arkness
I walk slowly
And feels demons around me

In the industrial fog
I breathe carefully
And feels demons around me

Industry is your Temple !

Oh SataN, there is
Your real Temple
Enslaving humans
For your coronation
There you are, churches are empty
Here I feel you
I watch the industrial land
And obviously...
There is no God... but you !

Forgotten structure
Of concrete and steel
Around an industrial chimney
Of concrete and steel

I feel His presence

Two Columns - One Gate
Two Towers - One Way
One NeXus - One Gate
To the Other Side

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