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<Below The Crevices> album page

The Tumbs Of Subterranea

"In the darkness in the world up there
I have not seen this thing they call the sun
I have not seen the stars
My life is to dwell in the earth
My destiny is to rest with the other tombs of subterranea."

It's only the light of the torches flames
That light the twisting stone paths of the netherworld
The caverns, nobody knows how far they reach
Nobody knows how deep that black abyss goes.

"I wonder what the sky must look
They say at night it's like a cave
Lit by the light of glowworms
And in the day the sun is like a lake of fire."

"I wonder what it must be like
To be wakened by the suns warm rays
To feel this thing they call rain
To see the seasons come and go"

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