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<Dear Liv Ivy> album page

Dear Liv Ivy

Dear Liv Ivy, I can feel you. Even if an unsound wooden bridge
disconnects us since 22 years. I know everything is uncertain as 2
different feathers adorn your hair. One of it so tender and
silken. Transparent like the crystalline wing of the sparrow I saw
today. The other one as black as pitch. Windswept and soaked with
rain. I know, everything is uncertain. My heart met my thoughts (and)
my thoughts followed my veins. My veins guided my inner rivers to my
hands and my hands opened a pen to drown the paper in ink. Those lines
should be vehicles transporting my hurt, thoughts and feelings but I
guess they are as featureless as a bottle message eaten by a
RIP-curl. Anyways. I will try, I will try, I will try, I will try to reach you.

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