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End Game (G.O.D)

greetings and a firm handshake
who would have guessed that I'd
tear off your hand
and then beat you to death with it

at least, that's what I pictured
in my head at the time...
unlocked the hand from mine
a few pleasantries here and there

get away from me!
still I bite my tongue
if I can't exit soon
this will end badly for everyone

you're just like me...but worse

how dare you speak to me
so condescendingly!
this mask of sanity
is slipping away from me
this little world of mine
hasn't enough air
for me to continue to let you breathe

what is it that compels
me to bite your tongue from your face?
your luck has run out
the well has run dry friend..

I could have sworn the blood
dripping from my mouth was real
but seemingly
it was another daydream
now I'm back here with you
how disappointing for me
I was so positive
you were laying dead at my feet

line me up one more time

I want the world to know
that I'm better than you
so smooth, so sly
I need your heart

you need to die
it's the only way
I can be satisfied
your cigarette and mine
burning out both of your eyes

seems like something I might
enjoy before I make you no more

so long and a wave goodbye
who would have guessed it?
goddamn! I could have sworn
this was my imagination!?
an orgasmic rush as I pull my fist
out of your face - not so smooth now
you smug son of a bitch! ha ha!
I wish you could be here
to see the ear to ear smile on my face
that can not be erased today

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