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<Crossing The Rubicon> album page


woken by the sound of pounding acid rain
kissing the terrain upon which I lay
soaking and burning, I struggle to my feet
exhausted, I collapse back down to my knees
and I crawl, still in a daze
is this jungle in front of me safe?
although I cannot see
eyes on me from up above and in the green rough

it slithers
sheds its skin and spreads its wings
live scenery
that seems to think that I'm the enemy..

suffocate the million odd thoughts
that go round and round in my head
as I choke down the toxic air
of this strange world, I may soon be dead
I wonder what lies below the surface
how will I know unless I venture down?
new life? no others will follow me now...

bubbles of sickly pink
pulsating walls
home to millions of creatures
oh how they do crawl
as I make my way through
to the next stage of hell
will it be worse than this one?
probably...but oh well!

blinded from the heat
and deafened by the hum
as the swarm takes the air
gnashing their teeth
and aimed straight at my heart
the surface becomes
unstable giant scorpions emerge from the
cracks in the ground
with closed eyes, I swandive into
the red...oh god let me drown

green eye right
and blue eye left
a red eye up
and gold eye down
green eye open
blue eye open
red eye open
gold eye open

it's all over

all alone
I have been all along
a wicked mind
wicked thoughts
eye to eye
both the brain and I
share the same pulse
within the walls of Tourian

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