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Dividing Up The Spoils

Spider: Everything's a load of bollocks.

Vim: (sighs) Let me explain the deal to you.

Den: Okay, go on, explain the deal.

Vim: It's twenty grand...

Spider: That's all Den says, "It's a load of bollocks!"

Den: Twenty grand? Twenty GRAND?!

Vim: Twenty grand...

Den: Where's that? Where's the twenty grand?

Spider: Den, why don't you write a song, Den, called "Load of Bollocks"?

Den: Where's the twenty grand?

Vim: Well, what it is, is twenty grand, right, and the record company, EMI...

Den: Yeah...

Vim: ...er, pay for the record.

Den: Every Mistake Imaginable.

Vim: So there's... yeah, you...

Spider: Den, that's a load of bollocks!

Vim: Right, so the money...

Den: EMI! Every Mistake Imaginable!

Vim: ...gets split according to who's important.

Spider: Go on, Den, say it!

Den: What, and the rhythm guitarist isn't important?

Vim: Well, he's not as important as the fucking songwriter, leader of the band, singer, lead
player, lead everything, is he?

Den: That's a load of bollocks!

Colin: Sounds like all of us.

Spider: There, he said it! See? See, you said it, Den.

Den: What?

Spider: "Load of bollocks!"

Vim: You're on forty quid a week!

Colin: I'M not. I'm on £11.25 a week, I thought the whole band were.

Vim: You got a taxi home every night.

Den: Have you? You took a taxi home every night?

Vim: He has!

Colin: No I didn't! I did not!

Vim: You get forty grand, he gets eleven quid and his taxis.

Den: When do I get forty grand?

Vim: Not forty grand, forty quid. A week.

Den: When? Where? When?

Vim: You fuckin' had it! Sharky handed it over to you in your hand!

Den: I never! I never... I never, I never!

Colin: I've only had eleven pounds and twenty-five pence since January.

Vim: That's 'cause you've had so many fuckin' cabs! You think you're a fucking rock star!

Colin: Well, my contract looked very different to yours.

Vim: Of course it fuckin' did, 'cause you're not the fuckin'... creator, are you?

Den: Yeah, 'cause you were sick over yours, weren't you?

Spider: I signed the one...

Colin: No, YOU were sick over mine and you accused me of being sick over it.

Den: Oh, that's it, yeah. Sorry, yeah, I was sick over yours.

Colin: If you hadn't got drunk at the signing it would have been a different story.

Spider: I signed one that said forty-four pounds a week...

Colin: (burps) I'm sorry.

Spider: ...and forty pounds was tax and insurance..

Colin: Yes.

Spider: ...and you got four pounds in your hand, clear. For twelve years. And you couldn't
record with anybody else...

Vim: For five years.

Spider: ...or work for any other company, and I said, I signed it, you know, 'cause everybody
else signed it!

Vim: Well, that's it, I mean, you're signed to Bad News...

Spider: I fucking signed it!

Vim: In five years' time...

Spider: I feel a fucking twat!

Den: You ARE a fucking twat.

Spider: I just borrowed five hundred quid...

Den: Let's face it, look...

Colin: No, but the most important point is...

Den: Come on, we're ALL fucking twats!

Colin: ...is that there is a disparity in wages here.

Vim: Well, it was... I mean, you were there when we fucking signed it, it wasn't my fault you
were pissed, was it?

Den: But you've seen the money? What did it look like?

Vim: You signed it though!

Den: How big was it?

Vim: You signed it that I get the fuckin' advance and you get the mechanical royalty.

Den: So you got twenty grand? You have got twenty grand?

Vim: Well... Sharky picked up fifteen and I picked up the five.

Den: WHAT?

Spider: Eh?

Den: You've got five grand?

Vim: Well...

Den: You have got five grand? Now?

Vim: I haven't got it anymore, I've fucking spent it, haven't I?

Den: You've got fucking five grand?!

Vim: I've...

Den: You've got five grand?

(There is the sound of punches being thrown.)

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